As of 3 MAR:
Travel Day
See our WEBSITE for hotel locations & reservations.
75th RRA Hotel HQs/Hospitality Room is the Hilton Garden Inn at Midtown; located across the street of Hunter Army Airfield (HAAF) between White Bluff Road & Abercorn Street.
The two other hotels we have blocked rooms are:
IHG Holiday Inn Express on HAAF.
Hilton Garden Inn Savannah Historic District.
Note: *Hospitality Room for registration, name tag pick-up and drinks nightly at our ASSOCIATION HQs Hotel.
Business Meeting 1030-UC
in the hotel hospitality room.
Wives Luncheon
Link up in hotel lounge at 10:30.
14:00 Tentative State of the Battalion Brief at the HAAF Theater across the street from the PX.
Hospitality Room open.
Golf Scramble on HAAF
07:30 showtime & tee-off when ready for Nine Holes.
Veterans from 75th RRA/1/75 Active Duty Combined 4 man teams.
A Co 1/75 Reunion welcome to join golfing…AND THEIR ASSOCIATION if not already a member…go to to join!
I am the POC for golfing:
Rick Merritt
or Cell: (912)332-6692
Send me your name in advance and I will share with the Hunter Golf Club….although you can sign up that morning, they really would appreciate giving them an idea how many are golfing.
Tentative: Shooting 17 South Gun Club (rifle/pistol).
Note:* More to follow…..I meet with them on Thursday evening 6 MAR.
Social at McDonough’s Irish Pub at 21 E Mc Donough & Drayton Steets Downtown Savannah Historical District.
Pub has a comedian stand up show in downstairs bar at 8PM for those interested.
Hospitality Room will be open too.
Static Displays 1/75 Compound &
Tour Company Operating Facilities.
Note: * I will confirm at a meeting with the 1/75 Staff/CMD GRP on 27 MAR.
1/75 Annual Memorial Day Ceremony at Battalion Memorial Site at the Compound.
(1/75 Gold Star Families invited)
Note:* Time TBD at meeting on 27 March with 1/75 Staff/CMD GRP.
BBQ (Sua Sponte Foundation sponsored with Gold Star Families, 1/75 Active Duty; A Co 1/75 Veteran Reunion attendees and our 75th RRA Veterans/Families
at Lotts Island on HAAF or on “Family Field” next to the Battalion Compound.
Note: * Location TBD 27 MAR at Meeting with 1/75 Staff/CMD GRP.
75th RRA Annual Banquet & Key Note Speaker.
6-10PM Hunter Club, next to Holiday Inn on HAAF.
CSM (R) Don Purdy is our guest Speaker.
Cash Bar.
We have our Association’s Raffle/Door Prizes too!
CHECK Out of hotel.
Note* 1/75 and HAAF is on a
4-day weekend for Memorial Day.
A Company 1/75 Veterans are holding their annual reunion & MSG Andy Fernandez Memorial events.
They may have slots for fishing available.
I am our POC to potentially join them:
Rick Merritt
Cell:( 912)332-6692
Salt Water Fishing is inshore salt water; mostly redfish, sea trout, & flounder.